Sunday, September 13, 2009

BG reunion !!

Finally we got together - Sue Sopa, John Sopa, Kitty, Bruce, and the kids. This is such a strange feeling like you ran into a time machine and go back to 10 years ago..... other than that the kids are not toddlers any more. They are teenagers. Other than that, nothing seemed to change. Adults are still the same - talking, laughing, being silly, and think about what and where good food are, etc. Oh, one more thing, college planning. We used to talk about pre-school and kindergarten, but now we talk about high school stuff and college planning. Sigh !!! Time !! Time really don't let us get away with it!!!!!

It was so comforting to see Leigh getting along well with Elyse and Peter. I am so proud of her. She just took it easy and go with the flow. Oh, how I hope that we never moved and still all live in BG and these kids grew up together and are still best friends. That will be so ...... comforting, secure, and cozy. These 5 kids grew up together and are best friends and best siblings. They can share any thing and support each other..... what a shame. Adults ! Adults ! Adults ! You have too much greed and too much ambition. And it kills the kids' friendship.

Oh, how I wish .................................................

Thursday, September 10, 2009

High school, Finally !!!

It's the 3rd day of high school at Skyline High. Leigh was stressed out but she turned out to be calm and ready for it. I am so proud of her. Monday was the Labor Day holiday so school started Tuesday. But boy, Monday morning she was stressed. Snapping at us and was bored. But in the evening she was getting her school bag ready with binders, note books, etc. And even took a shower and washed her hair ;-) She was getting ready. I am so proud of this girl. I can't imagine her anxiety and fear of walking into a classroom with NO ONE she knows. NO ONE. She said. But thankfully she is now having the same lunch hour with Kenzi, Kennedy twins and some Emerson kids. Thanks God.

Second day she said it was getting better than the first day. Good. I told her it will get better.

Now I just need to keep her busy every day with ice skating on Tuesday, Wednesday, and hopefully volunteer work on other days.

Poor girl, high school is scary.