Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am thankful ....

I was once wonder, how long would my nightmare end.

I was once confused, why was my life so different.

I was once resentful, why didn’t I have the family my friends had.

I am now thankful, for the two girls and a man in my life.

I am now thankful, for the great awakening came to me.

I am now thankful, for my ability to change.

I am thankful, Leigh my dear, for your hard work standing strong.

I am thankful, for your courage to deal with your nightmare.

I am thankful, my dear, for your ability to thrive.

I am thankful, my dear Lyanne, for your charm that cheers me up all the time.

I am thankful, my little princess, for you forgiving my rage.

I am thankful, little Lyanne, for singing to me and hugging me when I am tense.

I am thankful, daddy, for your tolerance on my imperfections.

I am so very thankful, for your pure existence.

I am thankful, Arthur, for being there for me endless of time.

I am now thankful, for the opportunity to thank, not regret.


Thanksgiving Day 2009