Sunday, December 13, 2009

Arthur's Big Blow Out

12/9/2009 Arthur went into ER all by himself, chest pain, got a scan and egk, doctors did a stent procedure on one of his blood vessels right by his heart. One hour, it only took one hour and it saved more trauma for him.

This was traumatic for him because millions of thoughts came to me - will he die? will he parallel? how am I going to handle the kids, the house, our finance? I will need to find a job soon then. Will he die??????????????????? What am I going to say in his funeral? Uh???

This was a wake up call. I need to spend more valuable time with him. Thanks God he is ok. He will just need to take 5 medications every day for at least a year, and quit smoking. Now he does 3 cigirates a day, he said. He will slow down and quit eventually.