Friday, August 28, 2009

Egg Shell

I feel like I have been walking on the egg shell. In one moment I told Kathy S. that every thing is great, that Leigh is doing excellent. I am so proud of her. In next moment she would change her mood, yelled at Lyanne for no reason (or for a small reason), or get mad at everyone. What is wrong with her? No one, NO ONE can control my life like this.

I have been thinking about ending my life so I don't need to suffer this fear any more. Why don't I??? I don't want to hurt my mom's feeling, my sister's, my brother's. I don't want Arthur to take the consequence all by himself. I don't want Lyanne to suffer from the fact that her mom took her own life when she was 7. I don't want my death to ruin Lyanne's life. How about Leigh? She will either go crazy, stay in the mental hospital for life, or end her own life because of it. I don't want all these to happen.

So I stay alive.

But I refuse to walk on the egg shell. How????

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