Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Homecoming Dance !!

Thanks God Leigh's first homecoming dance was over. It was overall a fun experience to Leigh. Although two things - Nate didn't text her when he got there, and she wasn't invited to Nancy's post-dance party - bothered her, but she ended up dancing with Alex (her guy for the week) and she was happy.

She is keeping up with her emotions pretty well - school, homework, tests, boys, etc. She doesn't want to skate again, too much stress and too hard to catch up. I am so worry that her life is not too fulfilled right now. But she likes to take it easy.... .what can I say?

Life is ok now. No argument, no fighting. I have learned to shut up and keep quiet. Just listen. She is pretty much telling me a lot of things, so I am thankful.

Lyanne has sharp eyes. She knows what is going on. One day she was in my car and she asked - mommy, not counting me, Leigh and Daddy, what do you care the most? She stunted me. I didn't know how to answer. Nothing. There is nothing that I care about other than these 3 people in my life. I care about my mom, my sister and my brother, and my friends, of course. But it can't compare. Uncomparable. I would give up any thing to keep these 3 people healthy and happy.

I guess that is how I define my life - my family comes first. I couldn't move on with Leigh being ill. I just had to give up every thing. But Lyanne was confused, I guess. She said, there's got to be something else that you care about. She was so right. I was speechless.

If my current definition of my life is not right, how should I define my life?