Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mom is home !

Mom went home on 2/16/2012 ! She was very excited and stayed awake for the whole mornign just so that she can come home with us. She walked up the stairs 5 stories with our support. She likes her new room. She walks from her bed to the bathroom with our support, too. So she doesn't need the potty chair any more, yay!!! Way to go, mom!

The anxiety between my sister, my sister-in-law and me are just intense. But we have to understand our good intentions and try to support each other.

Ati is great! I really like her. She is very kind, very patient, very humble and willing to learn. Most of all, she cares about mom. That's it! That is all I want is someone who really cares about mom. We went through the entire food/medicine/suppliment schedule and she is catching up fast!

Mom still feels dizzy sometimes but can eat with her mouth sometimes, too. Mom stared taking Tarceva on 2/13 so it's been 7 days. Hopefully the side effects are minimum.

Arthur and the girls are coming in the morning, yay!!! Mom will be very happy to see them.

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