Monday, February 13, 2012

Mom walked for a long time today with just a little help!

Mom has been having really good spirit these few days. Woke up cheerful, stay awake for longer time, willing to use potty chair, AND walked with just a little help from brother and me in the garden. She was doing great walking in the garden with just a little support from us. I think Mom can climb the stairs back home herself !! We think the energy drink from the Chinese medicine doctor is helping.

Mom started taking Tarceva today. I hope it will help her!

This morning when mom woke up she told me secretly that "she had a dream". I asked what kind of dream with a little fear that she drame of my father or my oldest brother ;-( Mom smiled and told me she had a dream that someone wanted to marry me. "Me?" Yes, a very rich man who owns a department store. "Wow.. a rich man wants to marry me?" Yes, "but I said no." Why? "Because if he marries you then I don't have anyone." That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard from anyone. Mom doesn't want the rich man to marry me because she wants me to be with her forever ;-) This is making me sad because I told her "I will never marry and I will live with you forever."

Brother's home is ready for mom to go home. Mom will see the Chinese medicine doctor at Tse Chi, and will re-visit the radiation doctor on Tuesday, and then she can go home !! Mom can't wait to go home. "What do you want to do the most when you go home?" I asked. "To live a normal life." Mom said.

So we plan for Mom to go home on 2/15, yipeee... the Indonesia helper, Ah Di, will come Friday morning. Let's hope all will go well with Mom's home-coming!!

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