Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally, we talked about Thanksgiving dinner party.

I have been avoiding it. I avoid discussing Thanksgiving dinner party with Leigh just like how Leigh avoids stressful event. Finally I did it tonight. I started our discussion and it ended with tear, cry, threat, and suicidal threat. I knew it. I just knew it would turn into a trauma. But I had to do it, K said. So I did. She couldn't do it, Leigh said. She can't face those people, she said. She will kill herself and hurt herself if we force her to go. I understand. I really do. But I wanted her to face the event bravely just like she did the presentation. It will be painful but she has to face it. This is a part of her treatment, I said. She cried. ok, daddy and mommy will discuss it.

Watching TV together kind of gave all of us a break while we still stayed together. Finally I said, you get to pick an outfit for the holiday and go to the party with us. Leigh's face lighted up and asked if it includes the shoes. So after all, the event is not that miserable for her to face. I felt a little happier. It is not as bad as I thought it was. I want her to face this bravely. I want to help her to get over her social anxiety.

Then I thank. I thank my parents for giving me a healthy mind that I do not need to struggle with myself over the little daily things. We have all been taking it for granted with our healthy mind. We do not understand how difficult it is to battle with our own mind over little thing such as eating and talking.

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