Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Leigh's birthday !

It's Leigh's birthday. We call her Gui Gui. That is her nick name since baby. Last night we took Leigh to Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse for a nice dinner. She was fine at the beginning but then she was done very quickly and didn't feel comfortable. She said that place didn't make her comfortable. And then she said "this is the worst birthday dinner I ever had". Although that hurt my feeling but I didn't say any thing. I just asked her why? She said that place is too formal and she wasn't comfortable. Oh, well, no one is watching you, you know. I said. It doesn't matter.

I still don't know if we should give her a lecture about her comment or if we should just let it go. We need to talk to K about this. Leigh often says negative things to hurt others' feelings. I made special arrangement for her birthday because I know we have never done any thing special for her other than her birthday party. I wanted to take her out for a nice dinner.

This morning I had Lyanne gave her the heart locket necklace. She was very surprised and very happy. Well, that made me feel better about her birthday. She loves the necklace and has been wearing it whole day. She loves Lyanne's and Sammie's photos in it and thought they were cute. She loves the engraving with her name on. I am glad.

Have I been enabling her too much? Jonathan thought she needs to learn that she can't treat others like she treats us. But can she treat us like that? Is she supposed to? I think we know the answer. But how much should we still educate her at this point?

I often wonder if she does have Borderline Personality Disorder. Although she is too young but many symptoms fit her personality and behavior. I got to talk to K about this again even she said adolescents should not be considered BPD because they are still developing and they are borderline anyway. Got to talk to K tomorrow again.

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