Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks God, Thanksgiving dinner is over !

Leigh didn't want to go to the Thanksgiving dinner at Joyce's house originally. She was worry about her anxiety. I had to bribe her with $100, plus Joyce's sent her message and asking her to go. Finally she agreed to go. She did go. I am so glad.

We had a good time. Joe and Dennis are good at singing the karaoke. That was fun. Kathy recommended that we set up a time frame with Leigh so she wouldn't just ask us to leave whenever she wanted to. That was a great idea. So we setup 4pm to 9pm. Leigh did eat with the other kids and kind of played the games with those teens. Although she also spent some time on her iPod and cell phone. But she didn't use her laptop. At 9pm she reminded me that we should leave. So we did.

So I need to remember that with Leigh we always need to setup the right expectation at the beginning so she can't do whatever she wants.

We are going to Somerset Mall tomorrow as our Thanksgiving tradition. We will take pictures with Santa. Lyanne was the cutest. She gave everyone a hug when we left.

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