Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am Lyanne's BFFLWM !!!

Lyanne made me cry again. I read the Krean poem to her before bed time. We both love that poem book. We had our usual bed time cuddling and kissing game where I try to kiss her and she tries to avoid me. I never get tired of telling her that I love her. Then she said we are BFFL - Best Friend For Life. And then she changed it to BFFLWM - Best Friend For Life With Mom. What else can I ask for? I pray that she will forever remember this moment. I pray that this moment to freeze. I told myself that I will never turn into the mom that pushes her to become a teenager who hates her mom. I told myself.

And then I remember, Leigh and I had that moment, too. I used to kiss Leigh and pretend I was her boy friend. "Hi, what is your name? My name is Michael. Can I be your boy friend?" was our usual game. But the difference is - I didn't realize that moment could slip so easily. I turned into the mom that stopped listening to my daughter and yelled at my daughter. I forgot that she is still that little shy girl who likes the gentle game with her mom. So now I tell myself, they will always be the little girls that are shy, gentle, and need a little more assurance from their mom.

I want to be the BFFL with my daughters. For life, forever.

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