Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life of Post-Thomson

I have quit my job at Thomson for over a month now. It's not bad, not as bad as I thought it would be. Seriously. I guess the difference now is I have a goal of "quitting" my job, that is to help Leigh recover from her depression. In the past I had no goal of quitting my job other than I was pissed with my work or I was tired of it. So the life post work is not bad. So what now?!!

Thanks God Leigh is doing so much better. Comparing to last year this is heaven. We don't fight. There is no yelling and screaming any more. My only concern is she does what she is supposed to all the time. Kathy thought I am like walking on the egg shell - always afraid Leigh will get mad or be sad about something. Now I am not sure what to do with the laptop that we gave her for her attending the group therapy. Jonathan is so sweet. He totally let Leigh decide if she wants to attend the group therapy or not. That is so very sweet of him. It is so important to have a therapist who understands and tolerates you. Who doesn't judge your decision. Besides, he always smiles. Always. Dr. Lagrou is a sweet heart, too. He totally understands Leigh. That is a bless. So me quitting my job is totally worthy. With me now go to the UM Depression Center 4 times a week I am confident that Leigh will totally recover. I just hope she will have good 4 years of high school.

I still get upset sometimes and still have my anxious moment. Dan seems to be nice, too. My goal is to let go my childhood memory and can truly relax and not to worry about any thing. I am getting tired of being worry and anxious all the time. Poor Arthur and the kids have to suffer from my anxiety. But hey I am dealing with it now. So be patient with me.

Now next challenge is how to make Leigh go to the Thanksgiving dinner in Joyce's house. Gees.. .always challenge. But Kathy is right though, she can't control our family life that way. She needs to just deal with it. We will see... it's my challenge at the moment and like Kathy said I need to be confident and firm..... ok... be firm.

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