Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My therapist is great - Daniel De Sena

I saw Dan today. He again helped me to realize that I have problem saying No to some people such as Leigh. I avoid confrontation. I don't tell my true issue and true concerns but instead I just find excuse to avoid saying No. But the truth is, I still get pissed off and I would come back to it later which usually leads into a bigger confrontation. I hate myself for doing that. I hate to disappoint people, but I hate against my own will even more. So I would get pissed off and later I would find chance to get back to people. I hate that! I hate that! I hate that! I guess because: Confrontation = chaos = discomfort = threat to me = losing power and control = danger.

Dan suggested that every morning I tell myself - today there will be some challenges and I will be fine. So prepare for the worst instead of trying to make every day a perfect day. I promised him I will try that and see how it goes. Expand my comfort zone and be flexible to deal with challenges.

All therapy are going well for us now - parenting strategy with Kathy Schoof, Leigh is working with Jonathan Marin and Dr. Lagrou, and I am working with Daniel De Sena. Things are looking good.

This Sunday will be Leigh's 14th birthday. We are taking her to Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse at Northville for a nice dinner without Lyanne. I want to give her undivided attention. Leigh is turning 14 .... ;-) She is doing so well now and I am so happy for her.

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