Friday, November 14, 2008

Lily did a great job !!

Last night we had smore. The fire, the chill, the companies, that was a great time. Lily went to her room early but later I found her practicing her presentation in her room. I am so proud of her. She faced the challenge herself. With that, I know she will do a great job with her presentation. I told her she already got a A+ from me and her dad. I am so proud of this girl.

What can I ask for? What I have now is making me very happy. I used to think only the sense of accomplishment I got from work could make me happy and satisfy. And then I found myself looking for something else in the same time. Looking for different jobs, looking for different boss, looking for higher accomplishment from my kids, looking for a more understanding and more communicable husband, etc. I didn't realize that "job" wasn't the answer. It's me.

People said "follow your heart". I thought I did. Now I really looked into my heart and realized that "family" is in my heart. I have been trying to push "family" out of my heart and trying to squeeze "job" into this small space, but "job" wasn't big enough to fill my space. And then I tried to put "family" back into my heart and the space wasn't big enough for both. So things started falling apart. Maybe I am getting older, but I remember how important "family" has meant to me in the past. It is in the same way now with my own family. And I want my kids to understand that, too.

I know they will.

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